The Phoenix Park is appreciated by the public, and the OPW, as a valued urban green space and national amenity. The Phoenix Park Transport and Mobility Options Study recognised the diverse and complex functions that the Park serves, including its historic landscape, biodiversity habitats, visitor attractions, recreational spaces along with its significant institutions and places of work.
A non-statutory public consultation took place over six weeks between 29 January and 12 March 2021. This post-consultation analysis sets out how the public consultation process was managed, how people interacted with the public consultation, and summarises the issues and concerns raised throughout the public consultation process. Following detailed consideration of the public’s observations, in tandem with the objectives of the Transport and Mobility Options Study, the Steering Group recommended refined proposals to Minister O’Donovan for the benefit of all users, both local and national, while maintaining the integrity and unique setting of the Phoenix Park.
Key recommendations and next steps are set out in this report, including the following main outcomes:
- All gates will remain open and fully accessible as per normal operations with the exception of Cabra Gate, which, as part of the pilot bus service initiative, will be accessible by bus only during the pilot period.
- Walking and cycling improvement projects will be implemented as set out in the Study.
- The proposal to make the North Road a cul-de-sac has been altered arising from feedback. The proposal is now to pilot a one-way route from Cabra Gate to Garda HQ on this road.
- The proposed cul-de-sac for the Upper Glen Road will proceed on a pilot basis.
- A pilot bus service running from Heuston Station via Parkgate Street, Chesterfield Avenue, Cabra Gate to Broombridge Station, subject to funding.
- The advancement of a Parking Strategy and review of the Bye Laws will commence immediately.
- The conversion of Ashtown Gate to entry-only and the proposed cul de sac on Knockmaroon Road are postponed until the potential impacts on the surrounding areas are fully understood.
Images from the launch are available from Photocall Ireland at
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Notes to editors
The Post-Consultation Report can be accessed below
Phoenix Park Transport and Mobility Options Study Post-Consultation Report (PDF)
Key figures on the consultation:
- Total submissions received: 2,294
- Virtual Room unique visitors: 6,938
- 85% of respondents go to the Park to use its amenities, visit attractions, socialise with friends or for outdoor exercise
- 95% supported the principle that the ‘Park is for People’, while 72% supported the ‘reduction in commuter through traffic’
- 91% support the protection and conservation of the biodiversity and historic landscape fabric of the Phoenix Park
- 30% of respondents over 50 years of age, 27% 40-49 years & 30% 30-39 years
- 59% indicated they used the park daily or several times a week
- Of those who travel to the Park, just over 30% travel by car, 30% cycle while 30% walk. Only 6% avail of public transport while accessing the Park.
- 8% of respondents use the Park as a commuter route
- 3% indicated they use the Phoenix Park for parking
- 83% support the use of more sustainable ways to access the Park
- 83% supported enhanced walking & cycling facilities, routes and access
- 77% supported the provision of public transport to major visitor attractions within the Park
- 74% supported the view that Park roads are primarily for people visiting and working in the Park
- The Steering Group consisted of the CEOs of the National Transport Authority, Fingal County Council and Dublin City Council along with the Chairman of the Office of Public Works
About the Phoenix Park:
- The Phoenix Park is a historic, natural and cultural landscape of international significance as designated by I.C.O.M.O.S, an international organisation dedicated to heritage conservation.
- It is one of the largest designed landscapes in any European city extending to over 700ha.
- The Park was awarded the inaugural World Urban Parks, Gold Award and has been a recipient of the Green Flag Awards since their introduction to Ireland.
- The Park is home to over 550 wild Fallow Deer.